My Shetland Wool Week – Part 4

Logo SWWWorkshops continue.



With Tiphaine, I am at the workshop “Double knitting” by Amy Detjen.

I am very impatient to discover this technique because I don’t understand how it is possible to make reversible knitted. After the workshop, I can say positively, it is possible to knit a pattern which has two right sides and no wrong side !

In fact, we knit a positive side and a negative side ; for example, a yellow square with a pink pattern, and on the other side a pink square with a yellow pattern.

Every stitch is a double stitch with a knit and a purl in two different colours. During knitting, it is very important to put both yarns in the same side (on the right side or on the wrong side).

Look at the following pictures. In the workshop, we knit a square with a heart.

In a side, the square is brown and the heart is tan.


On the other side, the square is tan and the heart is brown.


You can see the brown and tan stitches on the needle.




And if you look attentively, you can see a mistake. I forgot to put the tan yarn on the other side and then it make a  tan bar on the brown heart.


It is a simple technique but it ‘is neccessary to well understand it, otherwise it is difficult to knit patterns and change colors at the good place.

Amy Detjen is funny and very nice. We spent a very good moment.


I already see which use I can make of double knitting : baby blankets or scarves.

Radical change with the next workshop : “Get organised”. It is the realisation of a knitting book to help us for knitting projects : pattern, yarn, sample. I have already a  book for my sewing works, and it’is really useful. Here we are with Laura West, profesional bookbinder.

And we do all : cut, bonded, bounded !

Here is the result.


And Laura gives us cards and pockets to put inside.











Thanks to Laura. We’ll see her later to Portree at Skie Island where she lives.

For her part, Tiphaine participates in others workshops : “Taatit rug” and “Felted creature”. Taatit rug are a very northern tradition. Those bedcovers were realised especially for marriage by both families and were put together by a seam.

At “Felted creature” workshop, Tiphaine realizes this handmade creature. It looks like a troll, no ?


And my husband ? He doesn’t do a knitting workshop but a photo workshop to learn how to photograph creations, mine, for example…

And all together we visit sheep farm. I will tell you about it next time.

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