Except museum pieces, sources of inspiration do not miss in Shetland.
Lights and colours first. It’s true that beautiful weather is rare in Shetland but lights change very often and lightening are beautiful. It’s just need to be at the right place at the right time.Look.
It’s enough to inspire some colours associations to the knitter, isn’t it ?
We also found beautiful things at the Lerwick library at the evening “Stitches on the stacks”.
While Alexandre reads the story of Shetland, Tiphaine and me dive into the knitting books. There are plenty !
We noted such references…
and did a little shopping to knit some shetland models…
Here is our stash. I hear yours frightened shouts. Don’t worry, our car is an estate…
Excuse-me but we don’t go often to Shetland. A stash of Shetland wool is necessary for knitters like us.
Here we are, our stay in Shetland is finished. Very different journey, beautiful country, Shetland Wool Week wonderful, beautiful sheeps and irresistible wool. These are so many reasons to come back.
See you soon, Shetland !