My Shetland Wool Week – Part 7

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Except museum pieces, sources of inspiration do not miss in Shetland.


Lights and colours first. It’s true that beautiful weather is rare in Shetland but lights change very often and lightening are beautiful. It’s just need to be at the right place at the right time.Look.
















It’s enough to inspire some colours associations to the knitter, isn’t it ?

We also found beautiful things at the Lerwick library at the evening “Stitches on the stacks”.


While Alexandre reads the story of Shetland, Tiphaine and me dive into the knitting books. There are plenty !







We noted such references…

and did a little shopping to knit some shetland models…


Here is our stash. I hear yours frightened shouts. Don’t worry, our car is an estate…


Excuse-me but we don’t go often to Shetland. A stash of Shetland wool is necessary for knitters like us.









Here we are, our stay in Shetland is finished. Very different journey, beautiful country, Shetland Wool Week wonderful, beautiful sheeps and irresistible wool. These are so many reasons to come back.

See you soon, Shetland !




My Shetland wool week – Part 6

Logo SWWIn Shetland, knitting is part of the heritage.



Beautiful models can be found in museums.


Shetlandic knitting is easily identifiable : two colours geometrical motifs in horizontal stripes.



We often see cardigans with “yoke” ,a neck band with geometrical motifs.


Knitting method is also typical. In Shetland and North countries, models are knitted in round. Stitches are added – the steeks- to be cut later for the sleeves or edges of buttonholes.

Colours and patterns are infinitely variable.


Finishing are particularly well presented.







Knitting lace models are a part of Shetland heritage too.We saw very beautiful shawl, ethereal, light, like a spider web.







But shetlandic knitting is not fixed in tradition. At the Shetland college, we saw students works very creative and beautiful.








Like you will see in the next post, sources of inspiration do not miss in Shetland.

My Shetland Wool Week – part 5

Beside the workshops, we are also registered for sheep farms visits.

Well, it wasn’t really a good idea to visit 3 farms. We love seing sheeps and wool. Sheeps are beautiful and it was very pleasant to touch fleece and wool.

But, we understood nothing about the breeders presentation. English + technical vocabulary + Scottish accent, Whaou ! it was too much for poor little frenchies like us…



But my husband bought this book





I’ll read it this winter and I hope I will know everything about sheep farming…

So, because I can’t tell you about sheep, I prefer showing  you the beautiful Shetland sheep. They are really magnificent !







Yes, I know, they are seals. it’s only to know if you’re paying attention…



Presentation of fleeces at Jamieson & Smith…


With his Majesty, Oliver Henry, Director. A local star.


And you can see that Jamieson & Smith has more  wool stash than me !



All the fleece is used


This wool is beautiful !


Here it is the natural wool.


But colored woll is beautiful too !


It’is very difficult to resist, no ?

But we will talk about it another time…

My Shetland Wool Week – Part 4

Logo SWWWorkshops continue.



With Tiphaine, I am at the workshop “Double knitting” by Amy Detjen.

I am very impatient to discover this technique because I don’t understand how it is possible to make reversible knitted. After the workshop, I can say positively, it is possible to knit a pattern which has two right sides and no wrong side !

In fact, we knit a positive side and a negative side ; for example, a yellow square with a pink pattern, and on the other side a pink square with a yellow pattern.

Every stitch is a double stitch with a knit and a purl in two different colours. During knitting, it is very important to put both yarns in the same side (on the right side or on the wrong side).

Look at the following pictures. In the workshop, we knit a square with a heart.

In a side, the square is brown and the heart is tan.


On the other side, the square is tan and the heart is brown.


You can see the brown and tan stitches on the needle.




And if you look attentively, you can see a mistake. I forgot to put the tan yarn on the other side and then it make a  tan bar on the brown heart.


It is a simple technique but it ‘is neccessary to well understand it, otherwise it is difficult to knit patterns and change colors at the good place.

Amy Detjen is funny and very nice. We spent a very good moment.


I already see which use I can make of double knitting : baby blankets or scarves.

Radical change with the next workshop : “Get organised”. It is the realisation of a knitting book to help us for knitting projects : pattern, yarn, sample. I have already a  book for my sewing works, and it’is really useful. Here we are with Laura West, profesional bookbinder.

And we do all : cut, bonded, bounded !

Here is the result.


And Laura gives us cards and pockets to put inside.











Thanks to Laura. We’ll see her later to Portree at Skie Island where she lives.

For her part, Tiphaine participates in others workshops : “Taatit rug” and “Felted creature”. Taatit rug are a very northern tradition. Those bedcovers were realised especially for marriage by both families and were put together by a seam.

At “Felted creature” workshop, Tiphaine realizes this handmade creature. It looks like a troll, no ?


And my husband ? He doesn’t do a knitting workshop but a photo workshop to learn how to photograph creations, mine, for example…

And all together we visit sheep farm. I will tell you about it next time.

My Shetland Wool Week – Part 3

Logo SWW SWW is also  the possibility of taking part in workshops with specialists.


And a unique opportunity to learn from the techniques or to improve.

The hour of the first workshop and the first challenge sounded : “Steeking with Barbara Cheyne”: 3:00 duration. Here am I, confronted with a technique which I have desire for testing for a long time but that I apprehend : to cut a knit!

This technique is traditionnally used in knitting of the  north countries whose models are in jacquard :  sweaters are knitted in round from bottom to the neck, which makes it possible to always work on the right side  and thus to follow the chart much more easily. The openings for the armsholes are made after with cissors.

This opening is practised in additional stitches not being part of the model, but added at the right place, these stitches are called steeks. Before cutting, the knitting is secure by two seams on these steeks  and we cut  between the two. And guaranteed, if it is well done, that does not move !

OK, lets go. We are three pupils, two english-speaking and me, that starts well… But Barbara Cheyne is charming and very pedagogue. We do not have obviously time to knit a sweater jacquart in 3:00, therefore it makes us knit a small round in jacquard, a kind of sweater for small doll !  We add steeks in the medium after the coasts.
After the chart is finished , we bind off.  Here we are with a small tube in jacquard…


The consolidation of the steeks is done with the hook – and not with the sewing machine – as that was done traditionally in the Shetland, on both sides of medium of the steeks. With the hook, we pick up a loom in every steek and make stitches : that gives two columns of stitches on both sides of center. Knitting is secure.


And then,  we cut ! And it works. My knitting is secure, Alleluia, thank you Barbara !


It does not remain any more that to fold up the edge inside and to fix by an invisible seam towards the interior.














Sorry, on the photos, it is not very explicit but I did not have time to do many photos during the workshop, knitting  is work ! But, I understood the technique.

I think that I will rather use the double seam with the sewing machine, but I’ll try with a sample before. I have to involve myself  and be careful because  it is an innovation for me.
This technique is as used for the cardigans, which are cut not only for the armholes but also for the front on all the height. That gives – if it is well done – beautiful edges !

No respite, the following day, it is my second workshop :” Beyong basic brioche” with Nancy Marchant

Nancy Marchant is the specialist in the brioche stitch, which is called in French “côtes anglaises”. She wrote several books on this technique and her patterns in 2 colors brioch stitch are splendid.

I know this technique, I already knitted Meandering shawl of Stephen West (another specialist of brioche stitch) in two colors, but I am not yet well familiarized with this technique, in particular for the increases and the decreases . And when the opportunity of a workshop with the “queen of brioche stitch” comes, it should not be missed !

We are about 20 people almost all english-speaking, It doesn’t matter. The workshop is brilliant. Nancy Marchant is a very nice person and explain us the technique with many gestures and details.

She passes around the table to help, to advise, and shows us some of its models, they are splendid!










We start to knit a sample in basic brioche 2 colors with increases and decreases. I have made a good choice for my yarns : one dark color, Brooklyn Tweed Arbor color “Black fig” and a light color, Bien-Aimée color “Driftwood Graffiti”.


Here is the beginning of my sample.




After few raws right in brioche stitch, we choose a chart and we knit increases and decreases which incline the 2 colors towards the left or the righthand side to create pretty undulations.



At the end of the workshop, Nancy Marchant dedicates her book “Leafy brioche” for my colleague Carole. Thanks Nancy !

This workshop was very nice. I speak to you about the next in my following post. But sorry, I have to go. I have a cardigan in brioche stitch waiting for me on the needles…

My Shetland Wool Week – Part 2

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Sunday, 24th of September


Good night in our AirBnB of Charlotte Back lane close to Commercial street.

Weather is cloudy, but dry and not too windy. We decided to hike to discover the Shetalnd nature especially the coast and the North Sea. Everywhere in Shetland, we are less than 5km from the sea.

Well equipped and the picnic in the backpack, we are gone. By foot from Lerwick, we arrive quickly on a coastal path. The wind blows and the air is invigorating. Here is the landscape we see.



















On a beach, we can even see some heads of seals emerging from the sea close to us. They look at us with curiosity.



We get our fill of great sea air, we meet Shetland sheep for the first time, we get a taste of waves against cliffs and the beauty of the lights, we gather in shtlandic colors which may inspire us for our future knit works.

And we wear our Bousta beanies for the first time. They protect our ears from the wind which blows all the time here !

bousta beanie


We come back on time to get prepared for the SWW opening ceremony. We arrive wearing our Bousta Beanies. The room, filled up with knitting addicts gave an ovation to the guest speakers of the SWW.


All the speech is done in English, some with quite a strong Shetlandic accent. As a consequence, we don’t understand everything… Yet, the evening is very pleasant anyway. Our favourite moment is the fashion show, which highlights the Shetlandic knitwear collection of Gudrun Johnston, the president of this WW edition.



P1460991To close this evening, we enjoy the music of a very nice local band : Vair.

Tomorrow, it’s gonna get more serious as we will attend our first workshops !

My Shetland Wool Week (SWW) – Part 1


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Letʼs go to Shetland ! We drive to Calais to take the Shuttle. The journey is short, but no time to loose, I knit in the tunnel. Donʼt worry, itʼs the first and last time I knit while sitting behind the wheel…


From Folkestone, we drive all the way to Aberdeen, with a stop to spend the night near Grantham.
Driving on the left side of the road is easy on highway, not so much downtown. Although, we have to focus a lot, but it contributes to the change of scene ! I love these brick houses and perfect gardens and little hedges.










We take the ferry in Aberdeen in Friday evening for a night voyage. There is already a SWW atmosphere going on : there is a high concentration of knitters and we see some Bousta beanies on heads.





We arrive in Lerwick, capital of Shetland on Mainland isle at 7 am Saturday. There it is, we are in Shetland, Whaou !!!






Some hours after arriving, we go to the hub : we collect our badges and the SWW team offers us a beautiful tote bag with the SWW 2017 logo on it. Itʼs a trend goodies to keep.
There are many people but mostly native english speaker.


On the planisphere, everybody indicates one’s first name and one’s country. There is a lot of people from USA, but also French, Scandinavian, Australian, and of course English.



















In the hub, people are already knitting while having tea or coffee.




Our flat is in Lerwick center. The place is charming between Commercial street near the sea and the top of the town. Traffic is smooth, wind is strong, and actually there are some trees in sheltered corners.

Tomorrow, we have free time until the opening reception.